Private school in Arturo Soria
Brains Arturo Soria is an international school in the Arturo Soria area of Madrid that teaches every subject in English except Spanish language and mathematics. Our classes are equipped with the latest educational technology. Our students grow up having fun and enjoying our different playgrounds.
New Passivhaus Building
Brains Arturo Soria es un colegio sostenible que utiliza los recursos de la arquitectura bioclimática para proteger el medio ambiente. Enfocado en el ahorro energético, este edificio es capaz de renovar el aire automáticamente cuando los niveles de CO2 aumentan, acrecentando el confort, la capacidad de concentración de los alumnos y evitando la somnolencia.
Además, cuenta también con espacios de aprendizaje versátiles, tanto interiores como exteriores. Un buen ejemplo de ello es que una planta entera está dedicada a la construcción, mantenimiento y cuidado de un jardín natural que será 100% responsabilidad de los propios alumnos, fomentando en ellos el respeto por la naturaleza y por el planeta.
Evolution and development
Primary Years Programme (PYP)
In Brains Arturo Soria, PYP plays a key role. This international programme, taught in English (with the exception of Spanish Language and Mathematics), prepares students to be more active, respectful, supportive and hungry to learn for the rest of their lives.
Discover the fees for the school year 2024/2025
Apple Distinguished School
One of the most important characteristics of the Brains International School Group has always been its ability to remain a benchmark in the field of educational innovation. This year, thanks to the unity and homogeneity of the educational project that exists in all Brains schools, Apple has awarded the Apple Distinguished School distinction and certification to the entire institution, making it one of the first in the world to obtain such recognition.
Brains Store
Our new online shop Brains Store is available for the purchase of school uniforms. Shortly, it will also be possible to buy books, sports equipment and all the school supplies you will need during the school year.
The payment of your purchases through the online shop will be made via virtual POS. If the order is placed in the physical shop, you can choose, as before, between payment by POS or by direct debit to the account we have registered with you already.
With regard to the delivery of orders, there will be the option of home delivery or collection from the physical shop located within the school. The shop will be open to the public from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday
Brains Warrior Kids
“Brains Warrior Kids” inicia su aventura en 2019, dentro de los contenidos curriculares del área de Educación Física, de 4º a 6º de Primaria, en Brains Arturo Soria.
Una práctica deportiva innovadora y muy motivadora, centrada en una serie de contenidos a nivel cardiovascular, de fuerza y OCR (técnica de obstáculos) y envuelta en una serie de circuitos y sistemas de entrenamiento adecuados a cada alumno y nivel. Esta actividad aporta las condiciones necesarias para que el alumno desarrolle y explote sus capacidades y cualidades físicas, combinando el entrenamiento con el componente lúdico imprescindible en cualquier deporte. El objetivo principal de Brains Warrior Kids es el conocimiento y la superación de obstáculos, introduciendo elementos y entrenamientos innovadores para que los alumnos se diviertan y se conviertan en auténticos “warriors”, capaces de enfrentarse a nuevos retos con la confianza y la seguridad que aporta a esta disciplina el código ético japonés “Bushido” y las 7 virtudes del Camino del Guerrero.
La actividad se complementará con competiciones como la Farinato Race, una de las carreras de obstáculos más importantes a nivel nacional, ligas internas, eventos deportivos, representación en carreras de obstáculos a nivel nacional, jornadas deportivas “en familia”, incluso con la posible apertura de un grupo adulto a nivel extraescolar.
Being a Director at Brains, a solid institution with values, is having the opportunity to be part of something as big as the education of our students. It is in our hands to help them to be, not the best in the world, but the best for the world. From my previous stage as Psychopedagogical Counsellor, and currently as Director, I can confirm that at Brains International Schools we know that each one of our students is different, and for this reason we offer training full of possibilities that allows them to discover and develop their full potential, to that they finish their educational stage with an excellent preparation, which will accompany them in their academic and personal future