Commitment to excellence
Brains International Schools group has been recognised and certified by many different institutions.
Quality education guaranteed
Our commitment to quality as a group and as professionals in education has helped us achieve many certifications and recognition from external institutions in the last years.

Building our future together
We are convinced that our students will be tomorrow’s most excellent professionals, but above all we aim to help them become happy, integral and competent people. Our school-family compromise is key in the students’ education, which is why we place ourselves at the disposal of our families, so that together we can personalise each of our students’ formation and education.
Academic awards
Guarantee of success and excellence
It is a great honour to see our students excel in the yearly University of Cambridge exams, the Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad (with an average score of around 80%) and the IB Diploma Programme.
100% pass rate
approved in the University Access Test (P.A.U) in Brains Telde and Brains La Moraleja with an average of notable
100% pass rate
approved in the IB Diploma in 2024 in our Brains Arturo Soria and Brains La Moraleja schools with an average of 3.5 points above the world average
Sports awards
Sports are one of the main foundations of education in Brains Group. During their school years, we teach our students self-discipline and healthy training habits, instilling sport activities in their daily routine and rejecting any type of disruptive behaviour. Most of our students are associated members of sports federations and take part in high-level competitions. The most important sporting results this year have been:
Official certification
Quality certification UNE-EN ISO 9001.2015
ISO Standard 9001 lays down the necessary requirements a quality management system must meet and thus serves as certification for these systems. The incorporation of this quality model alongside our academic excellence principles is part of our schools’ fundamental values. Brains Schools are certified under this scheme since 2013.
Standard certification UNE-EN ISO 14001.2015 (environmental management system)
Organisations, regardless of their activity, size or physical location, are increasingly required to comply with a growing number of environmental demands imposed by the Administration, clients and the general public. Therefore, our certification since 2013 has allowed us to integrate the environment into our schools’ overall management.
Certification EFR 3000-1
The EFR certification (Family-friendly company in Spain) recognises good practices within organisations that integrate work-life balance models in response to a new work culture based on flexibility, respect, mutual commitment and the educational community’s well-being.