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Primary Education

Inquirers, curious, creative, supportive, with an international mentality… in Primary our students discover their potential, playing a key role in their own learning process.

Independent and self-assured

In Primary Education we work on independence, improve language skills, gain personal and academic knowledge and discover the world through active methodologies that allow us to understand concepts practically and realistically. In addition, our students practice daily sport to promote a healthy lifestyle.

School years in Primary Education

The international education project for Primary Education in our schools allows students to develop an open mentality, discovering all about collaborative work, personalised learning, communication and creation, critical thinking and interaction with the real world.

Primary 1 and 2 (ages 6-8)

Education at this age focuses on laying the foundations for oral and written communication both in English and Spanish. They also start to learn more technical vocabulary in different areas (including mathematical or scientific terms) and their curiosity arouses through experiences set by the investigation standards in the classroom which they will apply in future learning.

Primary 3 and 4 (ages 8-10)

In these school years, students strengthen their reasoning skills and begin to acquire historical and geographical knowledge, in addition to developing critical thinking. Their oral and written expression also start to take shape, improving their communication skills.

Primary 5 and 6 (ages 10-12)

In 5th and 6th year, our students connect to the real world and perfect the scientific method based on creativity, research and the ability to solve everyday problems.

Philosophy's School

Introduction to Philosophy at Brains International School is a non-assessable subject, based on skills as opposed to content, which takes place twice a month. Children take part in conversations where there are no right or wrong answers and the most important thing is the skills they learn on the way. This is a working dynamic we repeat frequently in order to internalise speaking skills, learn to be tolerant and adopt a critical stance that allows them to form their own opinions in the future without being influenced by others.


A team of professionals

Patricia del Pino Sanz
PYP Primary Teacher
Nicole Cosgrove
English Teacher (PYP)
Jorge Elipe Marco
Primary Music Teacher
Sergio Díez
Ethical and Social Values Teacher

“La inquietud mueve el mundo, Mi meta, Transmitir todas mis inquietudes a nuevas generaciones…”

Miguel Ángel Burillo
Profesor de teatro
Sonia Sánchez
PYP Coordinator
Arantxa Ramírez López
Profesora de Primaria (PYP)

“Aprende a enseñar, enseñando aprenderás”
Phil Collins.

Sonsoles Benitez De Soto
Profesora Primaria (PYP)

“Look only for the good in every situation so you absorb the quality of beauty”

Najoua Quassouh
English Teacher (PYP)

“Como maestro, cada día es una aventura nueva por descubrir“

Manuel Mora
P.E. Teacher (PYP)

“Aprendí que no es trabajo de nadie sino mío, el cuidar de mí y hacerme feliz”

Mª Carmen González
Profesora de Inmersión (PYP)

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle”
Christian D. Larson

Lucía Guillen
English teacher (PYP)

“Cualquier tecnología lo suficientemente avanzada es indistinguible de la magia”

Leticia Ahumada
ICT Coordinator PYP - Coding and robotic Teacher
Charlotte Wood
Head of Studies Infants and Primary Education
Andrew Farmer
English Teacher (PYP)

“Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life”

Miriam Roldán
German Teacher

“Si un niño no puede aprender de la manera que enseñamos, quizá debemos enseñarles de la manera que ellos aprenden.” (Ignacio Estrada).

Alba Romera
Tutora de español
Fiona Nagle
Year 2 Teacher

“Trabajadora infatigable”

Isabel Camacho
Profesora de Lengua y Matemáticas

“If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart”

Julia Dumighan
English Teacher

“My name’s Manuel and I am from United States. I am a Communicator. I love talking to people and learning about the different perspectives of individuals and groups”

Manuel Cruz
Director of Studies

“My name’s Neil Crawford and I am from Ireland. I am a creative person. I love playing the guitar and I like to make things out of wood”

Neil Crawford

“Tras 20 años en el colegio, continúo con mi pasión por enseñar y aprender.

La mente que se abre a una nueva idea, nunca vuelve a tu tamaño original”

Emi Albiñana
Spanish Language and Literature Coordinator
David Langan
Profesor de Inglés, Valores y Science

“Me llamo Montse Córdoba y soy de Manzanares el Real. Soy una persona indagadora, me gusta investigar y aprender con entusiasmo cosas nuevas cada día”

Montse Córdoba
Profesora de PT

“Soy una persona reflexiva y eso me ayuda a corregir errores para mejorar en mi vida. Los educadores nunca dejamos de  aprender.”

Marina Hidalgo
Responsable Departamento Innovación Pedagógica

“Después de 29 años en el colegio, a pesar de la edad sigo con la misma ilusión del primer día”

Miguel Angel López
Coordinador Educación Física

“I am from Sydney,Australia. I am an inquirer. I love to nurture my curiosities, develop skills for inquiry and research. Asking questions, investigating and experimenting new ideas help me learn more. I enjoy learning independently and with others.”

Teresa Novo
Profesora de Inglés

“Vive para moverte, muévete para vivir.”

Rafael Parra
Profesor de Educación Física

“If your mind can conceive it, and your heart can believe it – then you can achieve it”

Jon Caset
Head of Physical Education


Bea Peces
Profesora de Lengua, Matemáticas y Sociales

“El teatro es muy importante en mi vida, es mi oficio y mi pasión. El teatro es juego y a mí me encanta jugar, el teatro es escuchar, respetar, colaborar…en fin, el teatro es la vida misma”

Concha Guerrero
Profesora de Teatro
Lydia Barrios
PYP Coordinator
“Hola, soy Rocío, me encanta poder acompañar a mis alumno@s en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje y que me recuerden por los valores que les he transmitidos”
Rocio Diez
Profesora de Lengua, Matemáticas y Sociales

“Afortunada de dedicar mi vida a la música”

Diana Fernández
Profesora de Música y Violín


Vicenç Lahoz
Profesor de Educación Física

“Enseñar teatro es enseñar a ser otros que no somos nosotros, enseñar a imaginar un mundo más allá del nuestro. Es un tipo de magia. Y para que el engranaje del ser humano funcione… se necesita magia”

Elena Martín
Profesora de Teatro
Profesor de Música
Marcus Ward
Profesor de Inglés, Valores y Science
Lucia García
Responsable del Método Brains
Patrick Quinn
Robotics teacher
Brains Schools

Our Primary Education Centres

La Moraleja
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Arturo Soria
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Las Palmas
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Brains International School