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Brains School Masters

Our School Masters in Brains International School are they key to the education of the future, an education designed for Brains students to make a difference.

University education in school

Programming a Formula 1 simulator (e-sports), introducing students to real occupations related to biomedical and health sciences, working on criminology and forensic language concepts like delinquency, research and crime, launching a start-up… these are all real-life experiences and specific concepts which we consider our Secondary and Baccalaureate students should acquire with a view to their future to help them pave their upcoming educational journey. This is why in Brains we offer students unique formation, taught jointly by our teaching staff and university, enterprise and business school professionals. The content is focused on occupations that interest the students, who show great motivation and enthusiasm when imagining themselves in their dream job even before finishing school.

Brains School Masters

School Masters in Brains International School are a guarantee of advanced training where our students gain experience and obtain an important qualification for their future curriculum. In addition, to ensure they can access this unique training opportunity, the CINNED Foundation awards scholarships to all our students.

Brains School Master in Criminology

  • Focuses on criminology and forensic linguistics concepts: Delinquency, Investigation, Criminalistics and Conflict resolution.
  • Taught outside school hours by ESERP professionals.

Car Industry and Formula I simulators

  • An exclusive programme taught alongside Cloud Sport (the first worldwide company to work on competitive eSport events) where our students will learn to build an automobile from scratch by creating a 3D car model or building the chassis and telemetry systems to create the aerodynamic parts. They will also learn to drive the car on a virtual track and compete with each other in the Formula I simulators we have in school.
  • Our main objective is for students to work on the three main areas concerning design: 3D design, physical interface and telemetry, and engine timing in the simulator. This is all closely related to their curricular content. Once they have finished the school year, they will compete with each other in different teams and put into practice all they have learnt throughout the year.


Brains Junior MBA

  • Based on creating a start-up company and designing a specific Marketing Plan for the company and ‘Entrepreneurship Project’.
  • Taught as part of the school curriculum by ESIC Business and Marketing School professional

Brains School Master in Human Rights

  • Attain the necessary skills and abilities to achieve a general vision on Human Rights, including their history, significance and respect in our world today.
  • A School Master taught exclusively in English by CIS professionals as part of the school curriculum.

Operational Excelence and Quality School Master

  • 1º Bachillerato students. The Master will consist of 20 sessions.
  • It is aimed towards introducing students to basic concepts on quality, management and operational excellence. Also, understanding their role in the company strategies and operations, management, trade relations and competitiveness. The School Master is taught by professionals of the AEC (Spanish Association for Quality).

Sport Biomechanics

    • Dirigido a alumnos de 4º ESO y BACH
    • Impartido por la Universidad Europea.
    • El objetivo del curso es que los alumnos/as aprendan como aplicar las leyes mecánicas del movimiento del cuerpo humano y la relación que existe entre el movimiento y la fuerza que ejerce un deportista a la hora de realizar el gesto deportivo.

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Cybercrime and Cybersecurity

    • Dirigido a alumnos de 4º ESO y BACH
    • Impartido por la Universidad Nebrija.
    • El objetivo es ofrecer a los alumnos una formación inicial sobre los conocimientos científicos y técnicos relacionados con el ámbito de la Ciberseguridad, qué conozcan los riesgos y amenazas existentes en dicho entorno, así como su detección y eliminación de todo tipo de vulnerabilidades.

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Languagues for applied for International Comunication

  • Dirigido a alumnos de 4º ESO y BACH
  • Impartido por la Universidad Nebrija.
  • El objetivo del curso se centrará en la dinamización de conocimientos en técnicas de expresión oral y escritas, dotando a los alumnos a desarrollar sus destrezas comunicativas en inglés para preparar su futura vida universitaria y profesional.

20-30 Agenda For Sustainable Development

  • Dirigido a alumnos de 1º BACH
  • Impartido por la Universidad Nebrija.
  • El objetivo es acercar a nuestros alumnos la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible desde la perspectiva de los Derechos Humanos y las Relaciones Internacionales, estimular el análisis de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible propuestos por la Organización de Naciones Unidas y proporcionarles herramientas para que comprendan estos conceptos desde un enfoque multiactor.

Innovation Management School Master

  • Aimed towards 1º and 2º Bachillerato students.
  • The School Master will consist of 10 sessions (1,5h long) and will commence in October at 4.30 pm on the school premises.
  • Out of the 10 sessions, 2 or 3 will be held in the Alcobendas campus of the EU with the attendance of guest companies. There are also two scheduled outings to company facilities. Students will carry out an end of masters project to consolidate concepts and finish the course. In total, innovation management will represent a 70% of the workshop, whereas the other 30% will be aimed towards entrepreneurship and creativity.
  • Taught entirely in English.

MBA de Marketing

Quality and Operational Excellence




Sports Biomechanics

Innovation and Management

Brains Schools

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La Moraleja
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Arturo Soria
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Brains International School